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special finance

Structuring the Win-Win-Win Deal

Special finance expert Greg Goebel details how to structure a deal that maximizes the dealership's profit opportunity while still making winners of the customer and the finance company.

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Same is Lame

How can you give customers a reason to choose your dealership over the other dealerships in the surrounding area? Courtney Cole, co-owner of Hare Chevrolet, looks at three areas where dealers can differentiate themselves from the competition.

Since When is Selling a Bad Thing?

Service expert Don Reed has observed that dealers are reluctant to push for greater sales in fixed ops. Here he looks at the cost of that reluctance.

New "Best Offer" Feature On eBay Motors

Rob Chesney - Through Best Offer, vehicles sell more rapidly, as this option eliminates the need to wait days for an auction to end...

Recontracting After A Spot Delivery Transaction: What Are The Rules?

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - The customer has signed on the dotted line, but now you can’t find a company willing to buy the retail installment sales agreement ... What rules apply?

What Dealers Need To Know About Detailing

Bud Abraham - Depending on the volume of work, you need a proper facility in which to do the work.

The Dangers Of Speed In Detailing

Bud Abraham - ... greater productivity with fewer workers – has created a demand for quick detail but not the resultant poor quality work.

Cosmetic Car Care...Old Services With A New Future

Bud Abraham ... detailing is moving out of the back alleys, warehouses and garages and assuming a position along side other service businesses.

Automotive Reconditioning

Bud Abraham - Dedicate sufficient space to handle your own in-house needs and projected retail business.

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The Cinderella Of Dealerships

Bud Abraham - Be honest Mr. Dealer, isn't that department about the messiest, disorganized eye-sore in the dealership?

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