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FTC Settles With Two Dealers for Deceptive Advertising

By unanimous vote, the Federal Trade Commission approves final orders settling charges against two dealers for deceptive advertising.

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Locked Out: Dealers Shunning Businesses

Car dealers tend to stick together when it comes to opposing any new business that poses a threat to the industry’s core foundation. But an FTC investigation has auto retailers questioning what the limits are when it comes to standing their ground.

‘This Lawyer Walks Into the F&I Office …’

The magazine’s legal expert found several common mistakes in the paperwork for his new car, each of which could cause trouble for the dealer.

10 Must-Follow Advertising Guidelines

Jim Radogna offers 10 insights that will help you navigate the sometimes messy business of advertising.

Exercise Caution with Customer Information and Peer-to-Peer Networks

Attorney Mark Bross examines a recent FTC action involving a dealership's inadvertent disclosue of customers' information over a peer-to-peer network and cautions dealers to assess their own information collection practices.

When You Must Issue an Adverse Action Notice

Expert David Missimer, Vice President and General Counsel of Automotive Compliance Consultants, clearly spells out the conditions under which auto dealers must provide an adverse action notice. Missimer explains exactly what dealers must know and when you must issue an Adverse Action Notice under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Is Your Information Safeguards Plan Keeping Up With Technology?

Dealerships have become more technologically advanced since the federal Safeguards Rule was first enacted. Compliance expert Jim Radogna presents some tips to help dealers ensure their information safeguards policy keeps pace with today's technology.

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